Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

Lagunya Mas-Mas di Kereta

"Looking Back On Today"

30th of April, seems like yesterday.
We bought a house above the ocean
where our kids could laugh and play.

I called you from Paris
to tell you that I wrote our names on the observation deck
of the Eiffel Tower.

Remember those nights,
playing "Summer wind" on the juke box of the bar we used to go.
We made out in the bathroom and you walked me to my house,
I tried to convince you not to go home.

If only i had more time, I'd take you where you wanted to go.
Italy isn't the same without you here.
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again.

1st of November, 1998.
I was thinking of what to say when I could call.
Denise come over to my house, cuz you're the one for me.
We'll drink cheap wine and watch more shooting stars.

Remember our first apartment?
Our couch was never big enough for two.
Still, we'd fall asleep in eachother's arms and wake up on the floor.
Now looking back it was made for me and you.

If only I had more time, I'd take you where you wanted to go.
Japan is really nice this time of year.
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again.

If only I had more time...
England isn't the same without you here
If only I had one wish, I'd want a million trillion lifetimes
that I could spend with you...
Fall in love with you again and again. 

[ ATARIS LYRICS at www.AZLyrics.com ]

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Tentang Suatu Masa

dan pertanyaan pertanyaan mulai bermunculan seperti menuntut sebuah pertanggungjawaban
sekarang ,
bagaimana cara saya mempertanggungjawabkannya
padahal saya belum punya pemikiran untuk memproses jawabannya satu per satu
ingin memulai
tapi ,
belum menemukan garis startnya ..

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

Management Data Dari FB Biar Awet


by Kori Adyaning Koeswardoyo on Saturday, January 16, 2010 at 8:00pm
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure..
It is our light,not our darkness that most frightens us..
We ask our selves,who am i to be brilliant,gorgeous,talented,fabulous?
Your small playing does not serve the world anyway..There is nothing enlightened about shringking that other people won't feel insecure around you..
We are all meant to shine..as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same..

good night everybody :)

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


postingan ini penulis persembahkan untuk mengenang perjuangan penulis dan teman temannya atas terselesaikannya tugas riset khalayak semester III broadcasting 2009 dengan keringat bercucuran dan keadaan otak yang tidak stabil

HUDA  " nanti makan tahu kupat masjid solikin ya "
ANNA *sibuk fotofoto
HUDA  " yassalam .. "
KORI mengerjakan nyambi twitteran
MAYA " itu pensil alis merknya apa hud ? ndek mana beline ? "

salah satu ( dari 4 ) ponsel Maya berdering *cepawoo wo ming niai te quei wowo cuie mei lie

MAYA  " eh modem aha berapa duit ? "
KORI  " 499 "
MAYA  " hah gopek jing "

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Bagaimana Rasanya Menjadi Pasif?

bagaimana rasanya menjadi pasif?
sengaja tidak sengaja
aku sudah melakukan percobaan seperti ini berkali kali , tidak , hanya dua kali seingatku dalam proyek bersama ini
bukan tanpa alasan
tugas yaowoh numpuk segunung *nangis
tidak semua orang dapat diandalkan untuk memulai menjadi aktif
tapi bukannya aku mengeluh atau menuntut macam macam :D
hanya ..

kapan mulai ?
kok begitu ?
kok begini ?
lama nggak bahas ini lagi , kamu kemana aja ?
eh yang lain udah lho , pie punya kita ?
